Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Problems on Complex numbers

What are complex numbers? Does any one remember my previous post? Have you checked it? If no, what are you waiting for? you just have to check on it. I have explained you what are complex numbers and what are the different types of complex numbers.

In this post i will just discuss a few problems on complex numbers. But before that let me just refresh your memories about complex numbers.

Complex numbers:- If x and y are real numbers, then x+iy is called as complex numbers. Here we see 'x' is said to be the real part and y is called the imaginary numbers.

Below lets work on problems on multiplying complex numbers.

Problem No1:-

Calculate as steps given below.

4/5 X 9
2/3 4/18

Convert the numerator

to a simple fraction.

2/3 can be written

4 ÷ 2 = 4 X 3 = 12
5 3 5 2 10

Convert the denominator to a simple fraction.

can be written

9/1 ÷ 4/18 = 9/1 X 18/4 = 162/4

It can be written as

4/5 X 9
2/3 4/18

can now be written

12 X 162
10 4

Multiply the numerators and multiply the denominators.

12 X 162 = 12 x 162
10 4 10 x 4

The problem is reduced by

12 x 162 = 3 x 162 = 486 = 48.6(in decimals)
10 x 4 10 10

The above mentioned problem will help you understand the concept of multiplication of complex number. There are many more examples which i will discuss in my next post. Look at this and understand the concept. I am waiting for your comments as you know:-)...

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