Monday, August 23, 2010

Commonly asked questions in geometry

After working on geometry definition with you and also giving you the formulas for geometric shapes, i think its time that i ask you a few questions on them. Will you guys be able to answer me those questions? We have the formulas also mentioned in it.

Question No 1:-

What is area and perimeter of parallelogram for the base is 6.5 m and height is 8 m. Another side length is 7 m.



Area = base x height

Area = 6.5 x 8 = 52

So, area is 52 square meter.


Perimeter = 2 x (side1 + side2)

Perimeter = 2 x (6.5 + 7) = 2(13.5) = 27

So, perimeter is 27 meter.

Question No2:-

What is surface area and volume of rectangular solid for the length is 7 m, width is 5 m and height is 4 m



Surface Area = 2 x (length x width + width x height + length x height)

Surface Area = 2 x (7x 5+ 5x 4+ 7x 4)= 2 x (35 + 20 + 28) = 2(83) = 166

So, area is 166 m2.


Volume = length x width x height

Volume = 7 x 5 x 4 = 140

So, volume is 140 m3.

We will discuss on sphere volume formula shortly....

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