Monday, August 2, 2010

Descending order

Good morning my little friends..look at the guys having race beside, can you see a big boy leading the smaller ones. It is the same thing we do with numbers, normally we arrange numbers in order right? In what order do you arrange it? Any guesses???

It is arranged in two types either
Descending order and ascending order.

Till today We worked on
place value of the numbers. Today its a bit different watch out...

What is descending order and what is ascending order? Lets discuss this.

Descending order (greatest to least) Ascending order, (least to greatest)

When we place numbers from higher number to lower number it is called as descending order. Highest to lowest, this type of ordering is called "Descending Order".Just like the picture below.

Example No.1:-

Place the following numbers in greatest to least order. 6, 8, 1, 3, 7, 4, 9, 2


Place the numbers ordering from biggest numbers to smallest number. 9, 8, 7, 6, 4, 3, 2, 1 These numbers were form as greatest to least ordering.

This was very simple right. Well let me know if you are aware
of adding square roots if not i will work on them too. Look at the perfect figure below which gives you the exact example of arranging descending order.

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