Friday, September 17, 2010

Supplementary angles

By looking at the topic supplementary angles the first thing in your mind is an angle right. You will think of an angle first when you hear this word. We have learn t many types of angles such as corresponding angles and acute angles and many more.

Definition of Supplementary angles:- When we have two lines which intersect at a particular point of the line that is called as an angle and adjacent angles to that angle is called a supplementary angle. The supplementary angles is defined as the sum of two angles with the sum of 180 degree is called as supplementary angles.

Below we have some example here to calculate supplementary angles.

Example 1:

Calculate the supplementary angle of 75°(Here angle of one side is given)

The supplementary angle of 75° = 180° - 75° = 105°

The supplementary angle of 105° = 180° - 105° = 75°

The angles 75° and 105° are supplementary angles.

Did you guys get the concept clear now? Will you be able to work on this if your teacher ask you to do so. Friends, how many of you have seen my previous post greater than sign and lesser than sign using a frog? That's good guys check that out....

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